Marc Delaney
Sadly Marc passed away in November 2020. He was a very valuable member of the Society and will be greatly missed. During his time as a member he served on the Committee for a number of years, gave numerous interesting talks on observing, participated in outreach events and during the Covid-19 pandemic initiated and hosted a weekly Zoom session so that members could get together to chat, do quizzes etc.
His images will be kept on the website. The section below contains Marc's own words about his motivation and techniques.
Hi, I have been keen amateur astronomer for decades, and have previously served on the committee of this Society as both Director and Assistant Director of Observations for many years. Although not on the committee now, I still get pleasure from helping the Society and its members with whatever astronomical skills I have developed over the years. Here are some of the astronomical images I have taken with various telescopes and cameras. The deep sky images were shot with a DSLR or long exposure astro camera, taking several shots, then stacking. The Moon and planets required a video-type camera which captures hundreds of very short exposures in an AVI file, which are then stacked. For the Sun any camera can be used, but it is absolutely essential to fit an approved solar filter to the front of the scope or use a dedicated Hydrogen-Alpha telescope - otherwise severe eye damage is guaranteed.