Some or all of the following telescopes and binoculars are available for use at the Society's observing events

1. Celestron 11" SCT housed in the Observatory (not used at events)
2. 12" Dob (for events etc)
3. 8" ex' Meade SCT OTA for use with Celestron Evolution mount (for events etc)
4. Skywatcher 'HERITAGE 100' Dob' (for events etc)
5. Solarmax II 60 BF15 for use with Celestron Evolution mount (for events etc)
6. Solarmax II 60 BF 5 for use with Celestron Evolution mount (for events etc)
7. Large binoculars on parallelogram mount (for events etc)

Under no circumstances should the Sun be viewed through telescopes or binoculars which are not fitted with a MANUFACTURER'S SOLAR FILTER
