Join the Cardiff Astronomical Society
The Cardiff Astronomical Society is a thriving society located in South-East Wales and it promises a warm and friendly welcome to all - so why not join some of the Society's 250-plus members at one of our meetings or at an observing session?!
By joining the Society you can:
- attend our fortnightly (September to July) talks*
- use our Library
- attend our regular star parties and (weather permitting) observing sessions*
- use the Society's Observatory at Dyffryn Gardens**.
* We allow prospective members to attend a couple of sessions/talks so they can meet us and see what we do but they would be expected to join the Society if they wished to continue attending.
** Subject to attending an observatory induction session.
Membership is for one year from the date of joining. Members will be notified when their subscription is due for renewal.
We have three categories of membership as follows:
- Adult - a year's membership for a single adult, the fee is £18.00
- Junior - a year's membership for a person aged under 18, the fee is £3.00
- Family - a year's membership for up to four people (Adult or Junior) in a family unit, the fee is £24.00
You can download and post to us a Membership Application form.
You can alternatively pay online for your membership by selecting one of these options:
Adult Membership - £18
Junior Membership - £3
Family Membership - £24
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer and wish the Society to reclaim Gift Aid on your subscription then, if you haven't done so before, please download this Gift Aid Declaration form, and complete and return it (this can be done by email - there is no need to print and post).
What happens after you join?
Once you have subscribed to the Cardiff Astronomical Society, your membership fee (and any donation) will be paid to CAS via PayPal and your details will be forwarded to our Membership Secretary for processing which should take only a few days. Your membership details will then be sent to you.